What sets us apart:

Our way of working

We always maintain friendly and cordial relationships in our work with our clients and candidates.

However, this does not prevent us always pursuing our common objectives in a focused, professional manner.

We are aware of the great responsibility we assume as part of the recruiting process – for our clients and also for our candidates. We therefore always honestly tell you what we think, remaining accountable and transparent in our actions.

We have many years’ experience in different branches of industry and an extensive network that includes decision-makers and other important figures. This makes us a recruiting partner on equal footing.

What’s important to us:

A partnership with heart and mind

Our partnerships with clients and customers are characterised by friendly and cordial relationships. But this does not prevent us from always pursuing our clients’ and candidates’ objectives in a focused, professional manner.

Nachhaltig und Individuell:

Für unsere Klienten

Sie möchten in Ihrem Unternehmen eine Schlüssel-Position besetzen und suchen hierfür einen Recruiting-Partner, der genau zu Ihnen passt und sich auf Ihre Anforderungen individuell einstellt?

Oder aber Sie suchen selbst nach einer neuen beruflichen Herausforderung? Dann sind Sie bei ExpertHeads genau an der richtigen Adresse.

Wir verstehen uns als aktives Bindeglied zwischen Unternehmen und Kandidaten und fördern durch unsere Beratung nachhaltige berufliche Beziehungen.

Lassen Sie uns darüber sprechen. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Kontaktaufnahme.

Considered, long-term and sustainable:

We see ourselves as the link

As the active link between businesses and candidates, we strive for considered, long-term, sustainable three-way business relationships. On this basis, our professional contribution as consultants ensures our joint projects are successful – for our clients and for our candidates.

You can depend on that!

What we stand for:

Professional, personal human resources consultancy

As a matter of principle, we pursue an individual consultancy approach, with the objective of securing trusting, long-term partnerships with our customers.


Our proven motto:

„Our paths in life often cross more than once!“

Christian Thoben
